For A.P. GOPO Students
Making the u.s. constitution meaningful |
Memory strategies for the constitution
To pass the AP GOPO exam, knowing and understanding the key components of the U.S. Constitution is essential. This site will guide you through strategies (mnemonic devices) for memorizing the Preamble, the 7 Articles, The Bill of Rights, and Amendments 11-27. This website will also prompt you to make the U.S. Constitution personally relevant to YOU. Learning new information about the Constitution is easier when connected to your personal life and information already stored in your long-term memory (elaboration). Lastly, you will practice writing skills and applying Constitutional facts to real-life scenarios and dilemmas.
Essential ClausesClauses are individual sections of the Constitution that are often used in Constitutional Case Law. On the AP Exam, you must understand how various clauses have been utilized in Supreme Court cases to protect individual rights, bolster government power, or to reign in the power of government institutions.
Review ActivityClick below to access a Kahoot that will put your knowledge to the test! Then, you will work on two sample FRQs from College Board.